Location and proximity
based campaigns

Reach customers wherever they may be with clever, targeted messages

지오존 울타리

Use the Rezolve Experience Platform to draw GeoZone fences around your business, or in strategic areas. GeoZone fences trigger relevant notifications on your customers’ phones, and also help you to understand your customers’ shopping habits such as how often they visit your store and how long they spend there. These analytics give you invaluable insights to help improve your campaigns.


Mobile Notifications

GeoZone notifications can take customers through to a product promotion, provide more details about your business, or invite them to submit an ‘Instant Act’ response form. Customers can tap the notification and engage straight away, or save the notification for later.

지오존 디렉토리

All location-based promotions can be browsed via a directory within the Rezolve-enabled app. Customers see the offers that are closest to them, and also get directions to bring them straight to your location.


Powerful Analytics

Track the activity and performance of all of your campaigns and then turn those insights into actionable promotions and precisely refine the targeting of your customers.

다재 다능 한

구내에 고객을 환영하고, 고객이 보고 있는 내용에 대한 추가 정보를 표시하고, 더 많은 정보를 위해 구매하거나 등록할 수 있는 타겟 기회를 제공합니다.

다재 다능 한

Analyse Customer Behaviour

Rezolve Platform allows you to analyse your customer movement and interactions and create targeted and effective campaigns.

Provide welcome messages or promotional offers to your regular visitors, and promote products based on what people have ordered before.

정확한 타겟팅

비콘은 가까운 거리에서 고객과 훨씬 더 친밀한 관계를 제공합니다. 선반에 사용하거나 매장 주변에 배치하여 무인 고객과 상호 작용할 수 있습니다.
